Thursday, August 30, 2012

Being Human

I see there is hatred in this world,
I still believe love exists.
I see the chaos created by humans,
I still believe we can live in peace.

I see us in despair and whine in vain,
I still believe we can conquer our pain.
I see we are in a cut throat rat race,
I still believe we can control our pace.

I see that currency is greater than you,
I still believe the opposite is true.
I see how mirror hides our humanly face,
I still believe we can create a better place.

I see many things immorally strange,
I still believe we can change.
I see us cling to the last strand of rope,
I still believe there is undying hope.

I pray that I never give up on my belief,
'Coz its the only relief that keeps me sane.
You say that I'm on a reverse run..
I still believe I'm "Being Human"!!



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. awesome and each word is making its true sense as they came from u, I know u truly believe in the theme of the poem and hope ur belief become reality
